A study of labour saving techniques on North Island sheep farms : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Agricultural Science at Massey University, New Zealand

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Massey University
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This thesis reports the results of a farm survey conducted to find and evaluate labour saving techniques on North Island sheep farms. The motivation for this study was the hypothesis that many sheep farmers were at least partly restricted in their farming activities because of the availability and price of farm labour. There are three major barriers to the profitable utilis­ation of labour on North Island sheep farms;- farm size, the nature of the production process, and the location of sheep farming areas. The size of the majority of sheep farms is small enough that additional permanent labour is a major input. In many cases, adding one man may mean doubling the permanent labour force. The stock husbandry required for many operations requires a degree of familiarity and expertise on the part of farm labour. How­ever the nature of sheep farm production produces characteristic peak demands for labour only at certain times of the year. The location of sheep farming regions and farms may make casual and contract labour difficult to obtain. People working as employees may find rural life too insecure or lacking in social and educational amenities to stay long. [From Introduction]
North Island New Zealand, Sheep farms, Labour saving techniques